class in Dreem Creator plugin
Last updated
class in Dreem Creator plugin
Last updated
The World Gateway is used to allow players to visit other realms and extensions without interacting with the UI.
Click on an empty place in the hierarchy, select Dreem and World Gateway 001.
Then you can change gateway parameters by editing names in the hierarchy. The gateway will be visualized by black circle. Remember to place it exactly on the ground so players can reach the gateway.
Id of the realm/extension you want to open gateway to
Integer or Floating point number separated by dot, (eg. 2.5)
How big your gateway would be
You can check your realm/extension ID on the webpage
You can only open gateways to your worlds. Any id can be set in editor but improperly configured gateways won't be shown in the game (always make sure you have the correct access rights to the worlds you want to link).
If you want to link two worlds to each other (A->B and B->A) upload them first, check their IDs. Then you can create gateways in both and use edit realm/extension functionality to keep the same IDs.